Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is an inspiration and a mercy to all the worlds. Together, amongst righteous companionship, we will change the way we live towards a more Prophetic lifestyle.
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Striving to build loving, God-conscious, intentional communities is at the core of our mission. We welcome you to be part of the Prophetic Living family.
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In the Footsteps of the Beloved - Our inaugural Umrah trip with the Prophetic Living community.
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The initiative

Prophetic Living

Inspired by the perfect example of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, we aim to bring people together in a very deliberate and intentional way, focusing on improving our lives through genuine companionship and nurturing the Prophetic spirit within ourselves and within our communities.

Our mission is to provide an immersive learning experience that conveys the Prophetic lifestyle of our Messenger (ﷻ), encourages a resurgence of Islamic tradition within the context of modern times, connects families, and elevates spirituality and Islamic education in communities across America.

The experience

Inspired by the perfect example of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, we aim to bring people together in a very deliberate and intentional way, focusing on improving our lives through genuine companionship and nurturing the Prophetic spirit within ourselves and within our communities.

Tarbiyah Classes
Developing Individuals

Learning to orient ourselves around the way of the Prophet ﷺ and living for a cause greater than ourselves.

Weekend Retreats
Cultivating Companionship

Learning to strive for genuine righteous companionship (suhba saliha), to be invested in one another, to care deeply for each other, and to be like one body, working collectively for success in this life and the next.

Suhba Circles
Impacting Community

Aspiring to reach beyond our immediate communities, to make ourselves worthy of being used by Allah (SW) for the betterment of our ummah and to be a source of mercy to His creation.

Our Team

Shaykh Yasir Fahmy
Shaykh Yasir Fahmy
Founder, Resident Scholar and Chair, Board of Trustees
Hassan Ahmad
Executive Director
Ahsen Janjua
Treasurer, Board of Trustees
Zaied Abbassi
Secretary, Board of Trustees & Advisory Board Member
Amr El-Moselhy
Advisory Board Member
Shaun Ahmad
Advisory Board Member
Salma Kazmi
Advisory Board Member
Ahmed Fahmy
Advisory Board Member
Hayfaa Ali
Executive Team Member
Artina Sheikh
Executive Team Member
Munther el-Alami
Executive Team Member

Upcoming Events

Latest Past Events

Dhikr & Fikr

Prophetic Hall 1210 Cedar St Boonton, NJ 07005

Please join us every Thursday at 7 pm for our weekly Dhikr & Fikr program, a gathering of remembrance and reflection on the wisdoms of Ibn 'Ata' Allah Al-Iskandari with […]

Dhikr & Fikr

Prophetic Hall 1210 Cedar St Boonton, NJ 07005

Please join us every Thursday at 7 pm for our weekly Dhikr & Fikr program, a gathering of remembrance and reflection on the wisdoms of Ibn 'Ata' Allah Al-Iskandari with […]

What’s New

why live prophetically?

Living prophetically is the embodiment of the teachings and character of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. It is the choice to live out the the manners of the best of mankind, and in doing so, be a beneficial and productive part of ones community. We aim to live out the beautiful traditions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ within our communities and build strong bonds of companionship. 

Creating the environment.

With companionship (Suhba Saliha) and intentional community at the core of our model, Prophetic Living aims to offer different forms of engagement for our families.

Weekly communal gatherings that offer spiritual nourishment and warmth, Islamic literacy courses to enhance our depth of understanding, intensive retreats that help us reset, travels to areas of Islamic significance to bolster our culture and diversity are all part of the way in which we aim to nurture our Prophetic Spirit.   

Creating the prophetic environment

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here

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